Georgios Boumis
2018-11-14 23:37:59 UTC
Hello everyone,
I have a time series for 751hours and trying to fit a model so I can match
the last 48 hours' predictions with the observed values. The acf and pacf
of this time series is as in the attached photos. I have made a boxcox
transformation to my data to get a better residuals analysis and to improve
AIC. I have been "playing around" with the seasonal model
(1,0,3)x(0,0,3,24) but I'm getting nowhere near the observed values where I
run my results.predict. How can I identify a better model for my data?
I have a time series for 751hours and trying to fit a model so I can match
the last 48 hours' predictions with the observed values. The acf and pacf
of this time series is as in the attached photos. I have made a boxcox
transformation to my data to get a better residuals analysis and to improve
AIC. I have been "playing around" with the seasonal model
(1,0,3)x(0,0,3,24) but I'm getting nowhere near the observed values where I
run my results.predict. How can I identify a better model for my data?