[pystatsmodels] AnovaRM sum of squares to get effect size?
2018-09-26 19:41:54 UTC
Hello, how can I obtain sum of squares when using AnovaRM? In this example
there is no output that shows the sum sq, but I would like to be able to
calculate effect size.

from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
import pandas as pd

# import dataset and try factorial
df = pd.read_csv('C://Users//L//Desktop//factorial_data.csv')

subject time_of_day difficulty RT
0 1 1 1 155
1 1 1 2 215
2 1 2 1 222
3 1 2 2 261
4 2 1 1 167
5 2 1 2 224
6 2 2 1 214
7 2 2 2 265
8 3 1 1 196
9 3 1 2 223
10 3 2 1 219
11 3 2 2 258
12 4 1 1 172
13 4 1 2 216
14 4 2 1 179
15 4 2 2 270
16 5 1 1 195
17 5 1 2 219
18 5 2 1 191
19 5 2 2 272

aovrm2 = AnovaRM(df, 'RT', 'subject', within=['difficulty', 'time_of_day'])
fit = aovrm2.fit()
<class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary'>
Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
difficulty 1.0000 4.0000 86.3840 0.0007
time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 39.3700 0.0033
difficulty:time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 1.4098 0.3008


2018-10-04 12:10:15 UTC
Just bumping this - can anybody help?
Post by fffrost
Hello, how can I obtain sum of squares when using AnovaRM? In this example
there is no output that shows the sum sq, but I would like to be able to
calculate effect size.
from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
import pandas as pd
# import dataset and try factorial
df = pd.read_csv('C://Users//L//Desktop//factorial_data.csv')
subject time_of_day difficulty RT
0 1 1 1 155
1 1 1 2 215
2 1 2 1 222
3 1 2 2 261
4 2 1 1 167
5 2 1 2 224
6 2 2 1 214
7 2 2 2 265
8 3 1 1 196
9 3 1 2 223
10 3 2 1 219
11 3 2 2 258
12 4 1 1 172
13 4 1 2 216
14 4 2 1 179
15 4 2 2 270
16 5 1 1 195
17 5 1 2 219
18 5 2 1 191
19 5 2 2 272
aovrm2 = AnovaRM(df, 'RT', 'subject', within=['difficulty', 'time_of_day'
fit = aovrm2.fit()
<class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary'>
Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
difficulty 1.0000 4.0000 86.3840 0.0007
time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 39.3700 0.0033
difficulty:time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 1.4098 0.3008
2018-10-04 14:17:19 UTC
Post by fffrost
Just bumping this - can anybody help?
It's a two line change, something like adding this in `fit` to the table

anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_num '] = ssr1 - ssr
anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_den '] = ssr

However, it needs updating of the unit tests and comparison to
e.g. ezANOVA, which was used for the unit test AFAICS

Post by fffrost
Post by fffrost
Hello, how can I obtain sum of squares when using AnovaRM? In this
example there is no output that shows the sum sq, but I would like to be
able to calculate effect size.
from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
import pandas as pd
# import dataset and try factorial
df = pd.read_csv('C://Users//L//Desktop//factorial_data.csv')
subject time_of_day difficulty RT
0 1 1 1 155
1 1 1 2 215
2 1 2 1 222
3 1 2 2 261
4 2 1 1 167
5 2 1 2 224
6 2 2 1 214
7 2 2 2 265
8 3 1 1 196
9 3 1 2 223
10 3 2 1 219
11 3 2 2 258
12 4 1 1 172
13 4 1 2 216
14 4 2 1 179
15 4 2 2 270
16 5 1 1 195
17 5 1 2 219
18 5 2 1 191
19 5 2 2 272
aovrm2 = AnovaRM(df, 'RT', 'subject', within=['difficulty', 'time_of_day'
fit = aovrm2.fit()
<class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary'>
Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
difficulty 1.0000 4.0000 86.3840 0.0007
time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 39.3700 0.0033
difficulty:time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 1.4098 0.3008
2018-10-04 21:38:53 UTC
Hi, thanks a lot for the hint of where to look. I made a copy of the
anova.py file with following edits. They seem to agree with SPSS in my
example data, but haven't tested on other data yet:

def fit(self):
"""estimate the model and compute the Anova table

AnovaResults instance

y = self.data[self.depvar].values

# Construct OLS endog and exog from string using patsy
within = ['C(%s, Sum)' % i for i in self.within]
subject = 'C(%s, Sum)' % self.subject
factors = within + [subject]
x = patsy.dmatrix('*'.join(factors), data=self.data)
term_slices = x.design_info.term_name_slices
for key in term_slices:
ind = np.array([False]*x.shape[1])
ind[term_slices[key]] = True
term_slices[key] = np.array(ind)
term_exclude = [':'.join(factors)]
ind = _not_slice(term_slices, term_exclude, x.shape[1])
x = x[:, ind]

# Fit OLS
model = OLS(y, x)
results = model.fit()
if model.rank < x.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('Independent variables are collinear.')
for i in term_exclude:
for key in term_slices:
term_slices[key] = term_slices[key][ind]
params = results.params
df_resid = results.df_resid
ssr = results.ssr

anova_table = pd.DataFrame(
{'F Value': [], 'Num DF': [], 'Den DF': [], 'Pr > F': []})

for key in term_slices:
if self.subject not in key and key != 'Intercept':
# Independent variables are orthogonal
ssr1, df_resid1 = _ssr_reduced_model(
y, x, term_slices, params, [key])
df1 = df_resid1 - df_resid
msm = (ssr1 - ssr) / df1

if (key == ':'.join(factors[:-1]) or
(key + ':' + subject not in term_slices)):
# Interaction effect ### Edit 04/10/2018
mse = ssr / df_resid
df2 = df_resid
type_3_SS_error = ssr ### Edit 04/10/2018

# Simple main effect
ssr1, df_resid1 = _ssr_reduced_model(
y, x, term_slices, params,
[key + ':' + subject])
df2 = df_resid1 - df_resid
mse = (ssr1 - ssr) / df2
type_3_SS_error = ssr1 - ssr ### Edit 04/10/2018

F = msm / mse
p = stats.f.sf(F, df1, df2)
term = key.replace('C(', '').replace(', Sum)', '')
anova_table.loc[term, 'F Value'] = F
anova_table.loc[term, 'Num DF'] = df1
anova_table.loc[term, 'Den DF'] = df2
anova_table.loc[term, 'Pr > F'] = p
# ---------------- Edit 04/10/2018 ----------------- #
anova_table.loc[term, 'T3 SS'] = msm
anova_table.loc[term, 'T3 SS (error)'] = type_3_SS_error

# calculate effect sizes.
ss_total = np.var(y, ddof=1) * (len(y) - 1)
omega_squared = (msm - (df1 * mse)) / (ss_total + mse) #
omega squared
eta_squared = msm / ss_total
partial_eta_squared = msm / (msm + type_3_SS_error)

anova_table.loc[term, 'eta^2'] = eta_squared
anova_table.loc[term, 'par.eta^2'] = partial_eta_squared
anova_table.loc[term, 'omega^2'] = omega_squared
# ---------------- Edit 04/10/2018 ---------------- #

#return AnovaResults(anova_table.iloc[:, [1, 2, 0, 3]])
return AnovaResults(anova_table.iloc[:, [4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 6, 7, 8
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by fffrost
Just bumping this - can anybody help?
It's a two line change, something like adding this in `fit` to the table
anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_num '] = ssr1 - ssr
anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_den '] = ssr
However, it needs updating of the unit tests and comparison to
e.g. ezANOVA, which was used for the unit test AFAICS
Post by fffrost
Post by fffrost
Hello, how can I obtain sum of squares when using AnovaRM? In this
example there is no output that shows the sum sq, but I would like to be
able to calculate effect size.
from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
import pandas as pd
# import dataset and try factorial
df = pd.read_csv('C://Users//L//Desktop//factorial_data.csv')
subject time_of_day difficulty RT
0 1 1 1 155
1 1 1 2 215
2 1 2 1 222
3 1 2 2 261
4 2 1 1 167
5 2 1 2 224
6 2 2 1 214
7 2 2 2 265
8 3 1 1 196
9 3 1 2 223
10 3 2 1 219
11 3 2 2 258
12 4 1 1 172
13 4 1 2 216
14 4 2 1 179
15 4 2 2 270
16 5 1 1 195
17 5 1 2 219
18 5 2 1 191
19 5 2 2 272
aovrm2 = AnovaRM(df, 'RT', 'subject', within=['difficulty',
fit = aovrm2.fit()
<class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary'>
Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
difficulty 1.0000 4.0000 86.3840 0.0007
time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 39.3700 0.0033
difficulty:time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 1.4098 0.3008
2018-10-26 15:22:33 UTC
Post by fffrost
Hi, thanks a lot for the hint of where to look. I made a copy of the
anova.py file with following edits. They seem to agree with SPSS in my
I just found this again while closing open windows on my computer.

Can you create a test case for this comparing some examples to SPSS?
I think it would be useful to add this to the statsmodels implementation
(with small changes)

Post by fffrost
"""estimate the model and compute the Anova table
AnovaResults instance
y = self.data[self.depvar].values
# Construct OLS endog and exog from string using patsy
within = ['C(%s, Sum)' % i for i in self.within]
subject = 'C(%s, Sum)' % self.subject
factors = within + [subject]
x = patsy.dmatrix('*'.join(factors), data=self.data)
term_slices = x.design_info.term_name_slices
ind = np.array([False]*x.shape[1])
ind[term_slices[key]] = True
term_slices[key] = np.array(ind)
term_exclude = [':'.join(factors)]
ind = _not_slice(term_slices, term_exclude, x.shape[1])
x = x[:, ind]
# Fit OLS
model = OLS(y, x)
results = model.fit()
raise ValueError('Independent variables are collinear.')
term_slices[key] = term_slices[key][ind]
params = results.params
df_resid = results.df_resid
ssr = results.ssr
anova_table = pd.DataFrame(
{'F Value': [], 'Num DF': [], 'Den DF': [], 'Pr > F': []})
# Independent variables are orthogonal
ssr1, df_resid1 = _ssr_reduced_model(
y, x, term_slices, params, [key])
df1 = df_resid1 - df_resid
msm = (ssr1 - ssr) / df1
if (key == ':'.join(factors[:-1]) or
# Interaction effect ### Edit 04/10/2018
mse = ssr / df_resid
df2 = df_resid
type_3_SS_error = ssr ### Edit 04/10/2018
# Simple main effect
ssr1, df_resid1 = _ssr_reduced_model(
y, x, term_slices, params,
[key + ':' + subject])
df2 = df_resid1 - df_resid
mse = (ssr1 - ssr) / df2
type_3_SS_error = ssr1 - ssr ### Edit 04/10/2018
F = msm / mse
p = stats.f.sf(F, df1, df2)
term = key.replace('C(', '').replace(', Sum)', '')
anova_table.loc[term, 'F Value'] = F
anova_table.loc[term, 'Num DF'] = df1
anova_table.loc[term, 'Den DF'] = df2
anova_table.loc[term, 'Pr > F'] = p
# ---------------- Edit 04/10/2018 ----------------- #
anova_table.loc[term, 'T3 SS'] = msm
anova_table.loc[term, 'T3 SS (error)'] = type_3_SS_error
# calculate effect sizes.
ss_total = np.var(y, ddof=1) * (len(y) - 1)
omega_squared = (msm - (df1 * mse)) / (ss_total + mse) #
omega squared
eta_squared = msm / ss_total
partial_eta_squared = msm / (msm + type_3_SS_error)
anova_table.loc[term, 'eta^2'] = eta_squared
anova_table.loc[term, 'par.eta^2'] = partial_eta_squared
anova_table.loc[term, 'omega^2'] = omega_squared
# ---------------- Edit 04/10/2018 ---------------- #
#return AnovaResults(anova_table.iloc[:, [1, 2, 0, 3]])
return AnovaResults(anova_table.iloc[:, [4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 6, 7, 8
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by fffrost
Just bumping this - can anybody help?
It's a two line change, something like adding this in `fit` to the table
anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_num '] = ssr1 - ssr
anova_table.loc[term, ' SS_den '] = ssr
However, it needs updating of the unit tests and comparison to
e.g. ezANOVA, which was used for the unit test AFAICS
Post by fffrost
Post by fffrost
Hello, how can I obtain sum of squares when using AnovaRM? In this
example there is no output that shows the sum sq, but I would like to be
able to calculate effect size.
from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
import pandas as pd
# import dataset and try factorial
df = pd.read_csv('C://Users//L//Desktop//factorial_data.csv')
subject time_of_day difficulty RT
0 1 1 1 155
1 1 1 2 215
2 1 2 1 222
3 1 2 2 261
4 2 1 1 167
5 2 1 2 224
6 2 2 1 214
7 2 2 2 265
8 3 1 1 196
9 3 1 2 223
10 3 2 1 219
11 3 2 2 258
12 4 1 1 172
13 4 1 2 216
14 4 2 1 179
15 4 2 2 270
16 5 1 1 195
17 5 1 2 219
18 5 2 1 191
19 5 2 2 272
aovrm2 = AnovaRM(df, 'RT', 'subject', within=['difficulty',
fit = aovrm2.fit()
<class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary2.Summary'>
Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
difficulty 1.0000 4.0000 86.3840 0.0007
time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 39.3700 0.0033
difficulty:time_of_day 1.0000 4.0000 1.4098 0.3008
2018-10-31 23:39:07 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
Post by fffrost
Hi, thanks a lot for the hint of where to look. I made a copy of the
anova.py file with following edits. They seem to agree with SPSS in my
I just found this again while closing open windows on my computer.
Can you create a test case for this comparing some examples to SPSS?
I think it would be useful to add this to the statsmodels implementation
(with small changes)
A blog post and youtube video

the video use R package afex, which looks like a user interface to
replicate SPSS and SAS functions

There is a demand for simple interfaces to the analysis of common cases
like factorial experiments, especially for users that don't want to figure
out the MixedLM or MultivariateOLS representation.
Or, for that matter, for developers like I who don't know the connection

GAM/penalized splines can be estimated as Mixed Effects Model, but I am not
trying to understand how to translate the linear GAM to the MixedLM
